Adopt an Automation Mindset and Transform Your Business

background shows various business icons like email, growth charts, cloud storage, linked in a flowchart. Foreground says adopt an automation mindset and transform your business

As a solopreneur, you wear many hats and juggle countless tasks every day. You’re the marketer, sales person, HR director (for your team of one!), IT specialist, graphic designer… and the CEO too. The only way to stay sane while you grow your business? Automation. 

It’s why my biggest piece of advice to new business owners who prefer to DIY their systems is this: adopt an automation mindset. But what does that really mean?

Adopting an Automation Mindset

It can take some time to develop an automation mindset, but it doesn’t have to be very difficult. It’s simple: every time you find yourself performing a repetitive and tedious task, or one prone to human error, first ask yourself: is doing this necessary

If the answer is yes, move on to the next question: can I automate this? 

Most of the time, the answer to that question is also yes. 

Now if you take 30 minutes to set up a simple automation that replaces your manual exertion, your time, energy, and sanity will forever be saved. 

Automation is a game-changer for efficiency and productivity, not to mention your mental health.

The Challenge: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

The real challenge comes when you realize you don’t know what you can automate. How can you adopt an automation mindset when you have no idea what’s possible? Here’s a quick exercise to help you explore the possibilities.

Exercise: Explore Automation with Zapier

1. Head over to Zapier, an automation platform that connects over 7,000 tools with each other.

2. In the search box on the All Apps page, type in an online tool you use regularly. Select the app when it appears. (If your app isn’t listed, choose a different one for this exercise.)

3. Scroll through the page to see Zapier’s pre-built automations. This alone might spark some ideas.

4. Keep scrolling to find all possible triggers and actions your software offers.

Take Action: Automate Your Tasks

Did you spot any tasks you currently do manually that you can now automate? Go ahead and give it a try! By incorporating automation into your daily operations, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and focus on what truly matters—growing your business.

Remember, automation is not just a tool; it’s a mindset. So, rinse and repeat this exercise regularly to keep discovering new ways to streamline your processes. 

Need some help figuring out what and how to automate? We can cover this in an hour-long Tech Coaching session 💗

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